

Meditation Course

2019-02-04T19:26:13+01:0029 October 2018|

The Meditation Course is a space dedicated to silence, an immersion in the potential of meditation to discover its liberating power. Each event starts with a period of silence, followed by teachings, and then a period of questions and answers.

Meditation Course

2019-02-04T19:25:53+01:0029 October 2018|Tags: , |

The Meditation Course is a space dedicated to silence, an immersion in the potential of meditation to discover its liberating power. Each event starts with a period of silence, followed by teachings, and then a period of questions and answers.

Meditation Retreat

2019-02-04T19:23:33+01:0029 October 2018|

The Meditation Retreat is an invitation to explore the depths of our being and free ourselves from the tyranny of the mind.The Retreat offers a space to step back from daily life and embark on the greatest journey there is: the journey toward our own Self.The daily schedule includes multiple periods of silent meditation [...]

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