

Namasté Aprile

2024-04-16T12:39:43+02:0016 April 2024|

La meditazione spontanea traccia un sentiero chiaro, spazzando via ogni ostacolo, apre vie e varchi per lasciar sbocciare la beatitudine pura. È necessario fare spazio per consentire il suo emergere. Quando lo spazio sarà sufficiente, e il tempo sarà propizio, allora la tecnica stessa saprà annullarsi e svanire nel vuoto. Neeraja [...]

Namasté March

2024-03-19T09:44:59+01:0019 March 2024|

Come back here now in this moment.Where does this moment arise from?Where does the thought arise from?If you do you will discover thatyou have always been the moment itself.This is enoughand nothing else is needed anymore. Neeraja

Namasté January

2024-02-01T10:54:28+01:001 February 2024|

An ancient familiar taste of belonging, the natural state of being. A touch of elegance of the inner dignity that comes directly from the eternal flow and gives us the real strength, the one that has its roots in the heart and never in the mind. Neeraja

Namasté October 3

2023-11-01T10:29:19+01:001 November 2023|

The abode of peace is called NOW. Whether you may feel lost, or far from your destination, or unsure about your next step, peace is there, walking with you as your own shadow, willing you on. Neeraja

Namaste October 2

2023-10-24T15:42:10+02:0024 October 2023|

When seeking relaxes into finding that is what meditation is. Meditation is realizing you are home and do not need to go anywhere else. The mind can take rest in the heart. You cannot make it happen, but you can fall into it. Neeraja

Namasté September 1

2023-09-09T20:46:19+02:005 September 2023|

Don't try to change the dream. The more you fuss around the more you get attached to the dream itself. Look at the dream, observe it, be present. It is in the awareness that you will find yourself being what you have always be: Reality. Neeraja

Namaste August 1

2023-08-09T23:52:28+02:009 August 2023|

How could one ever realize that ‘all is illusion’ and that he himself is a character of the same dream?The mind who thinks, ‘Life is a dream’ has no separare existence; that thought can only appear within the same dream. Neeraja

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